Laser pigment removal is a highly effective solution for achieving flawless skin by targeting unwanted pigmentations such as dark spots, acne scarring, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.
By emitting concentrated light energy that is absorbed by melanin in the skin’s pigment cells, this treatment causes them to fragment into smaller particles. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these fragmented pigment particles, resulting in a gradual fading of pigmented areas.
Our advanced multi-application aesthetic laser systems, including the Fotona SP Dynamis Pro and Fotona StarWalker Lasers, combine four wavelengths in a single treatment to address various skin concerns, including skin resurfacing, rejuvenation, veins, vascular lesions, and pigmented lesions, providing comprehensive and lasting results for smoother, more even–toned skin.
StarWalker is an excellent choice for treating Melasma specifically because of its unique approach. Unlike other lasers that rely on heat, StarWalker uses photoacoustic energy, generating shockwaves that target the pigment cells responsible for Melasma. This focused treatment ensures that only the affected areas are treated, leaving surrounding skin unharmed.
Additionally, the device’s precise delivery system and specially designed hand pieces allow for controlled and targeted treatment, enhancing effectiveness and safety. By breaking down melanin without damaging surrounding tissue, StarWalker offers a gentle yet powerful solution for Melasma, helping patients achieve clearer, more even–toned skin with minimal risk of side effects.
Hyperpigmentation is the darkening of an area of the skin caused by the overproduction of melanin, a pigment that gives color to human hair, skin and eyes. Because melanin lives in the outermost layer of the skin, by nature, dark-skinned people have more melanin and pigment than those of light skin tone.
Melanin also serves as the body’s natural sun protectant. When skin is exposed to long-term UV rays, melanocytes are triggered to produce more melanin. Essentially, a “tan” is the skin working to protect itself, yet often causing hidden damages that can surface years later, in the form of splotchy patches of hyper pigmentation, ones we often refer to as age spots, sun spots or freckles.
The most common disorders of increased pigmentation are melasma (chloasma), solar lentigos (sun spots) and freckles. Solar Lentigos, the brown spots that appear in sun exposed areas like the tops of the hands and face, are the most common pigmentation problem that we treat. All the other disorders can also be treated very successfully with laser our therapy.
Our latest generation laser is a new age technology that removes all unwanted skin discoloration. For brown age spots, freckles and other brown birthmarks, 1-4 treatments are recommended to accomplish the mission. Our Laser Pigment Removal treatment is non-invasive and has no side effects. The spots removed by laser usually do not recur and but new hyper-pigmentation may form due to sun exposure or other factors.
Other skin hyper-pigmentation conditions such as melasma may require more treatments. Melasma can often comeback; you need to maintain results with homecare products and laser procedures.
After completion of the recommended sessions of Laser Pigment Removal treatment, your skin will be rejuvenated, appearing brighter, cleaner, and smoother.
You will meet with one of our providers for an in depth discussion about your pigmentation. Your skin will be examined and you will be given an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss your medical history. A patch test involves applying the laser to a small area of your skin in order to ascertain you are suitable for the treatment and to check that no adverse reactions are apparent.
The eyes are covered with protective eyewear and a thin layer of gel is applied to the treatment area. The laser is placed on your skin and you will be aware of a series of bright flashes as the laser is moved over the treatment area.
Laser pigmentation removal is not painful for the vast majority of people; some report a minor prickling or tingling sensation but this is only while the laser is in action.
Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturdays: By Appointment Only
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