Whether you have dark or light skin tone, need to lighten a tattoo for a cover-up, or want your ink completely removed, we will provide you with a safe and most effective laser tattoo removal treatment at affordable prices. Whether you have microblading, permanent makeup, or colorful body art, you came to right place. Our innovative Fotona Starwalker FracTat™ treatment creates micro-size channels in the skin over the tattoo area prior to the main laser procedure. This pre-treatment “priming” pass enables steam, gasses and ink particles to more easily escape through the skin during the subsequent full-beam Q-switched pass, thus avoiding the ‘frosting’ effect that can cause scaring. This also allows for a very short waiting time between multiple passes, which can reduce the typical number of treatment sessions by up to a half.



First, we create controlled microchannels throughout the tattooed areas to increase gas and debris escape, induce a faster healing process and allow for multiple passes to be performed during the same treatment, thus decreasing the total number of treatments needed. As a second step, the laser then affects the tattoo with very short and strong laser pulses that penetrate deep into the skin, without injuring the top layers. These pulses are then absorbed by the pigments in the ink and as the laser light is transformed into photoacoustic waves, it mechanically breaks up the ink into smaller particles. These are then naturally absorbed by the body’s own immune system. The number of treatments depends on the size of the tattoo as well as its location, depth and color. Amateur tattoos are the easiest to remove whereas professional ones may require more treatment sessions. The tattoo will fade slowly between treatments as the body removes the remainders of the tattoo pigment.

Our FracTat advanced laser tattoo removal technology has many advantages:

  • FracTat technology stimulates new collagen and elasticity throughout the area treated.  This reduces the risk of scarring from the tattoo removal process.  It will also improve the appearance of scars already formed by the trauma of the tattoo itself.  This is the top reason why most patients now prefer this method of removal!
  • With each session, we are able to perform multiple passes (2-4 passes), instead of only one which is the norm for any other technology.  This, ofcurse, makes for a much more effective treatment.
  • Since multiple passes are performed during each session, less treatment will be required to achieve desired results, saving you money, discomfort and healing and recovery time.

We have good news! Yes, lasers can remove tattoos completely. In fact, Keep in mind, you will need to receive several sessions before the tattoo is removed completely.  The amount of treatments needed varies from patient to patient.

Our unique FracTat Laser technology stimulates new collagen and elasticity throughout the area treated.  This reduces significantly the risk of scarring from the tattoo removal process.  It will also improve the appearance of scars already formed by the trauma of the tattoo itself.  This is the top reason why most patients now prefer this method of removal!

The number of treatments required for optimal results depends on multiple factors:

  • The size of the tattoo
  • The location, some areas receive better circulation, hence your lymphatic system is able to reabsorb the broken ink particles easier and faster.  Upper body responds better than lower body.
  • Depth and quality of the tattoo.  Amateurs work is easy to remove.  The better the artist, the higher the amount of treatments you’ll need to achieve the desire results.
  • Color of the tattoo, some colors do not fade as well as others.  Green is the hardest color to remove followed by light blue. Neon colors are also more challenging to remove, and typically require more treatments. As a general rule, the greater the contrast between the color of the tattoo pigment and your skin, the better the result.

Treatment should be performed 6– 12 weeks apart (depending on the location of the tattoo) in order to allow the body to remove the maximum amount of tattoo pigment after each treatment.

For Permanent Makeup, like any other tattoo removal treatment, It may take 2+ sessions spaced out at least 4-6 weeks apart to achieve desired results.

Each session usually takes 10 – 30 minutes. You may continue to see lightening of your tattoo after each treatment as your body disposes of more pigment. Most patients will see improvement in their tattoos and results can be quite dramatic!

Follow these guidelines unless your laser technician directs otherwise. While our staff of technicians are fully equipped to handle any concerns, we ask that you follow proper laser tattoo removal preparation procedures to ensure the best treatment possible:

  • Wear sunscreen and/or avoid the sun
  • Avoid pretreatment shaving, waxing, or exfoliating
  • Avoid tanning and spray tans several weeks prior to your procedure
  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing treatment to promote better healing
  • Avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding
  • Regardless of the type of treatment to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery

Following the consultation, if we determine you are a good candidate, we will proceed with treatment. Your laser technician will begin by asking a few pertinent questions about your recent health history to ensure there are no contraindications for treatment. The technician will discuss your treatment desires and at that time you can specifically let us know what tattoos you would like to treat. The treatment area will be cleansed and prepared for treatment. Your technician will talk you through the treatment to ensure you won’t experience any surprises.

While receiving laser tattoo removal, you will be required to wear protective eyewear. You may still be able to see a flash of light, but your eyes will be completely covered. The laser technicians wear protective eyewear, as well. During the treatment, all areas of the body that will not be lasered will be covered with clothing. Only the areas to receive laser treatment will be exposed. We are always mindful of your comfort and your peace of mind; we will let you know ahead of time what to expect.

Laser Tattoo Removal can be performed in as little as 15 minutes, depending on the size of your tattoo and type of ink that was used. Most patients compare the treatment discomfort as comparable to when they got the tattoo. Following treatment you may feel a little discomfort, but generally people experience redness, mild swelling and/or tenderness in treatment area that will resolve in a quick manner. The post treatment area response will vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of treatment.

Our tattoo removal process is the safest, most effective, noninvasive method for getting rid of unwanted ink. However, great results can only be achieved through proper aftercare. Our laser promises to do its job by breaking up the ink in your skin, but it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure his/her skin receives the care it needs to heal outside of our clinic. Proper aftercare prevents infection and serious unwanted side effects from occurring. Below are general guidelines on how to care for your skin after a laser session. All patients will receive a detailed aftercare instruction sheet to take home after their treatment.


  1. Keep tattooed area out of the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. SPF 30 or greater (UVA/UVB) should be used for any sun exposure prior to your treatments. Sunblock is preferred to sunscreen. KEEP IT COVERED if in the sun.
  2. We cannot treat suntanned or self-tanner/spray-tanned skin to avoid possible side effects or increased complications. You must wait until tan coloring fades.
  3. Shave area the day prior to or on the day of the treatment (if applicable).
  4. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend that you take Tylenol Extra Strength (you may take 2 tablets) a couple of hours prior to the procedure.
  5. Pain medications such as Motrin, Aspirin and Aleve thin blood and promote bruising and, therefore, should be avoided 3 to 7 days before treatment.
  6. No Accutane, AHA’s or other topical acid products on the skin, or any other medication that could be photosensitizing.
  7. Do not consume caffeine or any other stimulating substances the day of treatment.
  8. This treatment cannot be performed if you are currently pregnant or breast-feeding.
  9. Do not have your laser tattoo removal treatment done under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can cause thinning of the blood, which can lead to increased bleeding and other more serious problems.
  10. Notify us of any medical changes or changes in medications.


The FracTAT Tattoo Removal Laser treatment involves multiple laser modalities to achieve maximum results with less sessions.
The FracTAT modality creates micro-channels throughout the area treated to allow the gasses formed by the interaction between the laser and the Ink to evaporate faster and more efficiently so we may perform multiple Laser passes in one session. Because of this modality you will have pinpoint bleeding throughout the areas treated that will eventually become small scabs and flake off. This is normal and it heals in within 48-72 hours.The Laser modality that treats your Ink may create a superficial burn wound. There is immediate whitening of the treated area, which usually only lasts 3-5 minutes.
Patients may develop blisters, swelling, crusts, or scabs within 8-72 hours, which may last for 1-2 weeks or more. The treated areas may be pink or pale after the scab separates. Scarring, which can be hypertrophic or even keloid, can occur but is very rare. FracTAT helps prevent scarring and helps the area heal as it stimulates new collagen in the area treated. Loss of skin pigment can occur and is temporary except in very rare cases. Healing is usually complete within 4 weeks, although this may vary.
  1. Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then pat the area dry.
  2. Apply a thin coating of Over the counter Antibiotic Ointment 2-3 times a day for 72 hours post Laser You should keep the area covered with a clean dressing for those 3 days.
  3. Blistering is common and is likely to occur within 8 hours after your treatment. Do not be alarmed as blisters heal very well and are part of the normal healing process. Blisters indicate your body’s immune system is healing the area and beginning to remove the ink from your tattoo. It is natural for blisters to pop (do not try to pop them yourself), please continue to cover with a sterile bandage until blisters have healed. Continue to put antibiotic ointment over the blisters once they have popped for at least 24 hours. Call the office immediately if blistering persists,if you have any concerns or if you need additional instructions to care for your blisters.
  4. You may apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help reduce discomfort and inflammation. You may take plain Tylenol Extra Strength (as per instructions), but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)
  5. Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.
  6. Feel free to shower 2 hours after the treatment, but take care to avoid high pressure water hitting the treated area. Baths, hot tubs, swimming pool, or any form of soaking are not recommended until all blistering and scabbing are completely healed as they may increase the risk of infection.
  7. Exercise is generally safe after treatment taking into account the other aftercare instructions provided herein.
  8. Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher over the area for 1 month following the treatment.
  9. Do not wear makeup or any cream or medication on or near the treated area for 1 week (7 days), unless recommended by our office.
  10. After the initial 72 hours itching is very common due to the dehydrating effect of the laser treatment. Use Aquaphor, Vitamin E ointment, or hydrocortisone 1% cream to the treatment area, 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  11. Our tattoo removal process is the safest, most effective, noninvasive method for getting rid of unwanted ink. However, great results can only be achieved through proper aftercare. Our laser promises to do its job by breaking up the ink in your skin, but it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure his/her skin receives the care it needs to heal outside of our clinic. Proper aftercare prevents infection and serious unwanted side effects from occurring. Below are general guidelines on how to care for your skin after a laser session. All patients will receive a detailed aftercare instruction sheet to take home after their treatment.


    1. Keep tattooed area out of the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. SPF 30 or greater (UVA/UVB) should be used for any sun exposure prior to your treatments. Sunblock is preferred to sunscreen. KEEP IT COVERED if in the sun.
    2. We cannot treat suntanned or self-tanner/spray-tanned skin to avoid possible side effects or increased complications. You must wait until tan coloring fades.
    3. Shave area the day prior to or on the day of the treatment (if applicable).
    4. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend that you take Tylenol Extra Strength (you may take 2 tablets) a couple of hours prior to the procedure.
    5. Pain medications such as Motrin, Aspirin and Aleve thin blood and promote bruising and, therefore, should be avoided 3 to 7 days before treatment.
    6. No Accutane, AHA’s or other topical acid products on the skin, or any other medication that could be photosensitizing.
    7. Do not consume caffeine or any other stimulating substances the day of treatment.
    8. This treatment cannot be performed if you are currently pregnant or breast-feeding.
    9. Do not have your laser tattoo removal treatment done under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can cause thinning of the blood, which can lead to increased bleeding and other more serious problems.
    10. Notify us of any medical changes or changes in medications.


    The FracTAT Tattoo Removal Laser treatment involves multiple laser modalities to achieve maximum results with less sessions.
    The FracTAT modality creates micro-channels throughout the area treated to allow the gasses formed by the interaction between the laser and the Ink to evaporate faster and more efficiently so we may perform multiple Laser passes in one session. Because of this modality you will have pinpoint bleeding throughout the areas treated that will eventually become small scabs and flake off. This is normal and it heals in within 48-72 hours.The Laser modality that treats your Ink may create a superficial burn wound. There is immediate whitening of the treated area, which usually only lasts 3-5 minutes.
    Patients may develop blisters, swelling, crusts, or scabs within 8-72 hours, which may last for 1-2 weeks or more. The treated areas may be pink or pale after the scab separates. Scarring, which can be hypertrophic or even keloid, can occur but is very rare. FracTAT helps prevent scarring and helps the area heal as it stimulates new collagen in the area treated. Loss of skin pigment can occur and is temporary except in very rare cases. Healing is usually complete within 4 weeks, although this may vary.
    1. Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then pat the area dry.
    2. Apply a thin coating of Over the counter Antibiotic Ointment 2-3 times a day for 72 hours post Laser You should keep the area covered with a clean dressing for those 3 days.
    3. Blistering is common and is likely to occur within 8 hours after your treatment. Do not be alarmed as blisters heal very well and are part of the normal healing process. Blisters indicate your body’s immune system is healing the area and beginning to remove the ink from your tattoo. It is natural for blisters to pop (do not try to pop them yourself), please continue to cover with a sterile bandage until blisters have healed. Continue to put antibiotic ointment over the blisters once they have popped for at least 24 hours. Call the office immediately if blistering persists,if you have any concerns or if you need additional instructions to care for your blisters.
    4. You may apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help reduce discomfort and inflammation. You may take plain Tylenol Extra Strength (as per instructions), but avoid aspirin (it can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding.)
    5. Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.
    6. Feel free to shower 2 hours after the treatment, but take care to avoid high pressure water hitting the treated area. Baths, hot tubs, swimming pool, or any form of soaking are not recommended until all blistering and scabbing are completely healed as they may increase the risk of infection.
    7. Exercise is generally safe after treatment taking into account the other aftercare instructions provided herein.
    8. Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher over the area for 1 month following the treatment.
    9. Do not wear makeup or any cream or medication on or near the treated area for 1 week (7 days), unless recommended by our office.
    10. After the initial 72 hours itching is very common due to the dehydrating effect of the laser treatment. Use Aquaphor, Vitamin E ointment, or hydrocortisone 1% cream to the treatment area, 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
    11. If the area looks infected (honey colored crusting and oozing or spreading redness), if you experience an unusual discomfort or bleeding, if any other complications develop, or if you have any questions or concerns, contact the office immediately.
    12. Of course, if you have any extreme reaction, call 911 and to the emergency department.
  12. Of course, if you have any extreme reaction, call 911 and to the emergency department.


Permanent makeup has become increasingly popular, especially for those who want to achieve a hassle-free beauty routine. Tattooed eyebrows, in particular, allow individuals to have well-defined and thick brows without relying on cosmetics. However, the results may not always meet expectations, and pigment removal may be necessary.


We have a solution! Our specialized FracTat laser technology offers you a precise and effective way to remove unwanted permanent makeup. Whether it’s outdated eyebrow shapes, faded or unwanted ink shape or color, our advanced laser targets the pigment particles, breaking them down into smaller fragments, allowing you body to naturally eliminate them. This process gradually fades the tattoo, restoring your natural state, with minimal discomfort and without lengthy downtime.

Yes, for all skin types.  Our treatments are customized for your specific case, skin type and needs, ensure safe and effective results.

Eyebrow tattoo removal can cause some discomfort, but the level of pain varies depending on your individual pain tolerance and the method used for removal. We combine the use of powerful numbing agents and our Advanced Technology, allowing for fast energy input, both Nano and Pico wavelengths, so you experience minimum discomfort during each session.

While the results can be very noticeable after the first session, the number of sessions required to remove an eyebrow tattoo depends on several factors, including the size and color of the tattoo, the technique used by your tattoo artist, and your skin type. Typically, it takes around 3 sessions, but this may vary from patient to patient.

Lasers affect some color shades of pigment more effectively than others.  So some tattoos may require more sessions than others. Keep in mind that, sometimes, multiple colors are mixed by your tattoo artist to create the perfect shade for your eyebrows.  As some colors are broken apart, other color shades may appear.  This is a normal part of the process. It’s important to consult one of our providers to determine the appropriate plan for you and ensure the best possible outcome.

After laser permanent makeup removal, the hair on your eyebrows may appear to be glowing or light colored, but this is a temporary effect. You may tint your eyebrows with regular pencils and mascara, once the area has healed, to achieve the desired look.

Our Advanced FracTat Laser can stimulate hair growth, so there’s no need to worry about the safety of your natural brows.

The procedure itself lasts only 5-15 minutes, and you may return to your daily routine immediately after. Immediately after your laser treatment expect some swelling, small bruises, and a thin crust covering the eyebrows may appear. It’s important to let the crust heal and disappear on its own, as interfering with the healing process can increase the risk of side effects.


FracTAT vs Conventional | Skintellect
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Alessa Sandusky
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I have been coming to Skintellect for years now for laser hair removal, facials, and a few other treatments- and still loving it. The girls are always super sweet and really truly do care for their clients. The aesthetician Jodi never fails me, and Stephanie always provides amazing services as well.
Melissa Gonzalez
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I've been coming to Skintellect for over a year and the service is always top notch. Over the years I've gone to different Esthetic spa but nothing compares to the level service they provided. From the moment you walk in decor is beautiful and the small is lovely. Jody is knowledgeable and makes you feel super comfortable. What I love the most is her interest in getting you the best results without over treating the skin to obtain the best results over time. Am bless to have found them the treatments have really help gain my confidence back after suffering with skin pigmentation for years. Don't hesitate and book your appointment you won't regret it.
Ashley Fernandez
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Skintellect is the best MedSpa in the Tampa area. I’ve been receiving facials, laser intimate skin lightening, laser skin tightening, and laser hair removal treatments from them for about a year now. All of the staff at Skintellect are so kind and ensure that you feel comfortable when you’re there. Stephanie has been doing my laser hair removal treatments and she is extremely kind and shows great enthusiasm when you see your final results! She always fully explains what she’s going to do and answers all of my questions expertly!

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