Our Fotona Lasers provide highly effective treatment for various types of scars, including acne scars and hypertrophic scars. Utilizing gentle ablation techniques, we promote collagen remodeling, significantly improving the aesthetic appearance of scars while reducing redness.

Leveraging advanced Fotona Dynamis technology, our lasers stimulate collagen production, leading to skin tightening and rejuvenation. Our innovative approach combines both non-ablative and fractional-ablative wavelengths in a single session, delivering immediate visible results that surpass traditional scar removal methods.

This comprehensive therapy addresses scar complexities, including pigmentation issues, offering a complete solution for scar revision. Experience the transformative effects of our laser scar removal treatments and regain your confidence with smoother, healthier skin.


Scarring is the natural process through which wounds are repaired in the skin. A scar forms when there is damage to the deeper layer of the skin, known as the dermis. In contrast, damage limited to the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, may not result in scarring.

Scars create structural changes within the deeper layers of the skin, leading to noticeable alterations in the surface features and texture. This change is not merely a difference in skin color but rather an impact on the skin’s architecture. The appearance of a scar and the most effective treatment methods depend on various factors, including the depth and size of the wound, its location, and the age, sex, ethnicity, and genetics of the individual. Understanding these factors is essential for developing effective scar treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.


A scar forms as part of the body’s natural healing process when the skin is damaged. When the deeper layer of skin, called the dermis, is injured, a scar is produced. If only the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, is affected, scarring is less likely. Scars cause structural changes in the deeper layers of the skin, altering the normal surface features, and they are more than just a difference in skin color. The formation of a scar represents a permanent alteration in the skin’s architecture.

  • Keloid scars: Result from an overly aggressive healing process, extending beyond the site of the original injury. They can hinder movement and are more common among people with darker skin.

  • Contracture scars: Form on burned skin and can tighten, potentially impairing movement. These scars can affect muscles and nerves due to deeper damage.

  • Hypertrophic scars: Raised, red scars that stay within the boundaries of the injury, unlike keloids, which extend beyond.

  • Acne scars: Can range from deep pits to angular or wavelike formations, depending on the type and severity of the acne.


Our Fotona Lasers are highly effective for treating various types of scars by using skin resurfacing to gently ablate scar tissue and stimulate collagen remodeling. Acne scars, in particular, respond well to treatment, while hypertrophic scars see improvements in appearance, redness, volume, and elasticity.

The Fotona Dynamis technology stimulates collagen production, promoting skin remodeling and tightening. By combining both non-ablative and fractional-ablative wavelengths in one session, we achieve immediate visible results. This dual-wavelength treatment targets both the appearance and underlying complexities of scars, such as pigmentation, surpassing traditional methods.

Resurfacing laser scar removal is ideal for deeper and wider scars as it targets the deeper dermal layers. The treatment creates controlled fractionated “trauma” to stimulate tissue regeneration and removes the outer skin layer, leaving smoother skin and diminished scars.

Our Fotona Laser technology effectively reduces the appearance of both hypo-pigmented and hyper-pigmented scars and can be combined with other treatments for optimal results. A consultation will determine the best treatment plan based on the type, age, and characteristics of your scars. Typically, 3-4 sessions are recommended, though this varies per patient.

Laser scar removal stimulates new collagen growth in scarred or stretched tissue, helping to firm the skin. As new tissue forms, discolored scars become more natural in tone, while white (hypopigmented) scars normalize pigmentation.

For contracture scars, laser resurfacing relaxes tight scar fibers, improving movement. Atrophic and hypertrophic scars, including pitted acne scars, are smoothed with targeted treatment.

The treatment method will depend on the type of scar. Active keloids cannot be treated, but inactive keloids may be treated with caution after a consultation to assess risks and benefits.

Results vary per patient. A series of 3-4 treatments is typically recommended, followed by a 2-3 month period to allow for healing before considering additional sessions.

  • Schedule your session when healing won’t interfere with your plans.
  • Start hydrating 1-2 weeks prior, drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily to aid skin healing.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 3-4 weeks. Tanned skin can’t be treated, and tanning within 2 weeks can cause dark or white spots.
  • Stop using self-tanner 7-10 days before treatment.
  • Inform your provider of any medical conditions or medications.
  • Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements for a week prior.
  • Skip alcohol for 2 days before treatment.
  • Arrive with clean, makeup-free skin.
  • Shave the treatment area before your appointment.

Let your provider know if you’ve taken Accutane in the past 6 months, have a history of cold sores, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Post-Treatment Care:

  • Treat the area gently until fully healed (7-10 days). Avoid scrubs, exfoliants, chemicals, and medicated products during this time.
  • You may feel burning or stinging for up to 72 hours. Use a fan, ice pack, or cold compress to relieve discomfort.
  • Expect swelling, redness, or inflammation within 24-72 hours, especially after invasive procedures. This is normal.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 3-4 weeks and use SPF 30+ sunscreen regularly. Wear protective clothing.
  • Keep the area moisturized with ointments for 5-7 days. Use 1% Hydrocortisone and moisturizer 2-3 times daily for facial and neck treatments. For body treatments, use healing ointments like Aquaphor.
  • Avoid makeup for 72 hours and refrain from physical exercise to reduce the risk of irritation or infection.
  • Do not pick or scratch peeling skin or scabs to prevent scarring.
  • Healing takes 5-21 days, depending on the treatment. Keep your head elevated if needed to reduce swelling.
  • Itching is normal and will subside. Hydrocortisone cream can help.
  • Contact our office within 24 hours if you experience any problems or side effects.


Results vary; multiple treatments may be needed. Schedule follow-ups after each session.


Laser stretch mark removal is an effective treatment that utilizes concentrated beams of light energy to target and diminish stretch marks. During the procedure, high-energy pulses of light are absorbed by the pigmented cells in the affected areas, leading to the breakdown of scar tissue. This process not only reduces the visibility of stretch marks but also stimulates your body’s natural healing processes, enhancing collagen and elastin production.

As a result, healthier skin cells regenerate over time, contributing to the fading and smoothing of stretch marks. While optimal results often require multiple treatment sessions, the effectiveness of laser treatment can vary based on several factors, including the severity of the stretch marks and individual skin characteristics.

For those seeking a solution to stretch marks, laser therapy offers a promising path toward achieving smoother, more even skin. If you’re interested in learning more about laser stretch mark removal and how it can benefit you, schedule a consultation today!


Stretch marks, or dermal scars, are linear bands that result from the flattening and degeneration of the skin’s outer layer, the epidermis. Initially appearing red or purple, they typically fade to a silvery pale color over time.

Affecting 40-90% of women, stretch marks develop due to rapid or repeated skin stretching, often linked to weak connective tissue. Common causes include pregnancy, weight changes, puberty, and certain medical conditions.

For those looking to reduce their appearance, treatments like laser removal can help restore skin texture and diminish scars.

Stretch marks are dermal scars that occur due to the flattening and degeneration of the epidermis, the skin’s outer layer. They appear as linear, smooth bands on the skin and can initially be red or purple, depending on your skin tone. Over time, they typically fade to a silvery pale color. Stretch marks often develop due to rapid skin stretching, which can occur from factors like pregnancy, weight changes, or puberty.

Stretch marks affect 40-90% of women and occur when the skin is rapidly stretched over weak connective tissue. They form in the dermis, the skin’s middle layer, when the connective fibers are stretched beyond their elasticity due to sudden growth or weight gain. This rapid stretching can cause the dermis to tear, revealing deeper skin layers and creating visible marks.

Initially, stretch marks may appear red or purple due to blood vessels showing through the tears. Over time, they typically fade to a silvery, glossy appearance as the blood vessels contract and the pale fat beneath the skin becomes more visible.

While common during pregnancy, stretch marks can develop at any stage of life. Genetics also play a role; if your family members have stretch marks, you may be more prone to them as well.

The most common areas affected are the:

  • Abdomen
  • Breasts
  • Hips
  • Flank
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

Our Laser uses the patented technology of Fotona Dynamis Pro with Nd:YAG and Er:YAG to stimulate collagen production by initiating skin remodeling and skin tightening.

The skin is treated with an Erbium fractionated laser precisely to each one of the stretch mark lines and adjacent skin tissue to begin to remodel the stretch marks from the inside out. Our unique SMOOTH® technology will also reduce any skin laxity by inducing new Collagen.

Our laser resurfacing method effectively treats deeper and wider stretch marks by targeting the dermis. This advanced Fotona Laser technology creates controlled fractionated “trauma,” stimulating new tissue regeneration and removing the outer layer of skin for a smoother appearance.

This method significantly reduces both red (early-onset) and white (late-stage) stretch marks. A consultation is needed to evaluate your skin and determine the best treatment plan. Expect a 20-60% improvement, depending on the type and age of your stretch marks.

While treatment improves appearance, complete removal may not be possible, and early intervention yields the best results. We recommend 3-4 treatments for optimal results, but this may vary by patient.


Microneedling is usually performed as an alternative when you are not a good candidate for our Laser options. Treatment stimulates the growth of new collagen and elastin fibers to create firmer skin. Most patients require between three and six treatments to achieve desired results.

Some patients see full, complete results within four to six months. But it may take longer. This varies from patient to patient.

This treatment is safe for ALL skin types and it offers little to no downtime. Side effects may include irritation, swelling and flaky skin.

Visit our MICRONEEDLING section for more info about this option.

After laser treatment, damaged tissue is revitalized, leading to tightening and improved pigmentation. With good skin elasticity, fine, silvery white stretch marks may significantly fade or blend with the surrounding skin after 2-3 sessions. The shiny appearance will diminish as the stretch marks thicken and blend into normal skin.

However, if the surrounding skin lacks elasticity, stretch marks may not fully blur, and additional treatments may be necessary to address loose skin. Medium and wide stretch marks are more challenging to treat and may require more sessions.

Individual results vary, so a consultation is essential to evaluate your skin and discuss treatment options and expectations.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Schedule Wisely: Plan your laser treatment at a time that won’t disrupt your social commitments, as healing times can vary.

  • Hydrate: Increase your water intake to 6-8 glasses per day for 1-2 weeks before treatment to enhance healing.

  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Stay out of the sun for 3-4 weeks before treatment. Recently tanned skin cannot be treated, as this can lead to pigmentation issues.

  • Stop Self-Tanners: Discontinue self-tanning products 7-10 days before your appointment. Any residual product must be removed prior to treatment.

  • Discuss Medical Conditions: Inform your provider about any medical conditions affecting your healing process.

  • Adjust Medications: Stop topical medications 3-5 days before treatment. Avoid aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and sun-sensitizing medications for one week prior.

  • Review Prescription Medications: Talk to your provider about any medications that may cause sensitivities.

  • Accutane: If you’ve taken Accutane in the past 6 months, inform your provider, as treatments may need to be postponed.

  • Avoid Certain Supplements: Refrain from fish oil, Gingko Biloba, garlic, and vitamins A and E for one week before treatment.

  • No Alcohol: Avoid alcohol for two days prior to your appointment.

  • Arrive Clean: Ensure the treatment area is clean and free of makeup or lotions.

  • Cold Sores: If you have a history of cold sores, your provider may recommend antiviral medication.

  • Lightening Prep: If you have tanned or darker skin, consider a lightening regimen starting 4-6 weeks before treatment.

  • Pregnancy: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, postpone your treatments.

  • Shave and Dress Comfortably: Male patients should be clean-shaven for facial treatments. Wear loose clothing for body area treatments, and shave the treatment area before your appointment.

Post-Treatment Care Instructions

  • Gentle Care: Treat the area delicately until healing is complete, typically 7-10 days. Avoid friction and trauma to the treated area.

  • Avoid Exfoliants: Do not use scrubs, exfoliators, or medicated products for 7-10 days.

  • Manage Discomfort: Mild burning or stinging may occur for up to 72 hours. Use a fan, ice pack, or cold compress for relief.

  • Expect Redness: Edema, redness, and inflammation are normal, peaking 24-72 hours after treatment, especially with more invasive procedures.

  • Sun Protection: Avoid sun exposure for 3-4 weeks post-treatment. Use broad-spectrum sunblock (SPF > 30) and wear a hat.

  • Moist Wound Healing: Keep the area moisturized with soaks and topical ointments for at least 5-10 days.

    • Facial/Neck Care: Use gentle cleansers, avoid medicated products, and apply 1% hydrocortisone cream with a rich moisturizer 2-3 times daily for 7 days.

    • Body Care: Avoid friction, wear comfortable clothing, and use gentle soaps. Apply 1% hydrocortisone cream with healing ointment 2-3 times daily for 7-10 days.

  • Topical Products: Your provider may recommend specific post-treatment products. Follow instructions provided during your visit.

  • Makeup and Exercise: Avoid makeup for the first 72 hours and refrain from physical exercise for at least 72 hours to prevent irritation.

  • Avoid Scratching: Do not scratch or peel any scabs to minimize scarring and discoloration.

  • Clean Environment: Use fresh pillowcases and sheets during the first week and avoid sleeping with pets.

  • Elevate Head: For facial treatments, elevate your head with pillows to reduce redness and inflammation.

  • Healing Time: Healing can take 5-21 days, depending on the treatment. Individual healing times vary, so be patient.

  • Normal Symptoms: Itching and peeling are normal during recovery. Use hydrocortisone cream as directed to manage discomfort.

  • Follow-Up: Multiple treatments may be needed for optimal results. Schedule follow-up appointments after each session.

  • Report Issues: If any problems arise, contact our office immediately. Timely communication is essential for appropriate care.

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Alessa Sandusky
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I have been coming to Skintellect for years now for laser hair removal, facials, and a few other treatments- and still loving it. The girls are always super sweet and really truly do care for their clients. The aesthetician Jodi never fails me, and Stephanie always provides amazing services as well.
Melissa Gonzalez
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I've been coming to Skintellect for over a year and the service is always top notch. Over the years I've gone to different Esthetic spa but nothing compares to the level service they provided. From the moment you walk in decor is beautiful and the small is lovely. Jody is knowledgeable and makes you feel super comfortable. What I love the most is her interest in getting you the best results without over treating the skin to obtain the best results over time. Am bless to have found them the treatments have really help gain my confidence back after suffering with skin pigmentation for years. Don't hesitate and book your appointment you won't regret it.
Ashley Fernandez
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Skintellect is the best MedSpa in the Tampa area. I’ve been receiving facials, laser intimate skin lightening, laser skin tightening, and laser hair removal treatments from them for about a year now. All of the staff at Skintellect are so kind and ensure that you feel comfortable when you’re there. Stephanie has been doing my laser hair removal treatments and she is extremely kind and shows great enthusiasm when you see your final results! She always fully explains what she’s going to do and answers all of my questions expertly!
Skintellect Laser & Aesthetics | Tampa Florida


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